Very Clean

LeadPilot, the first & only tool for the large-scale creation of keyword-related landing pages without any need for programming skills.

Wire & Ink
Wire&Ink: A web design agency with a difference. No upfront costs or lump sums, just £60.00 per month.

Whoa Nelly Catering
Whoa Nelly! is a boutique catering company serving Los Angeles and Southern California.

Isaac Paavola
The personal portfolio of Isaac Paavola, a 20 year-old, Chicago based interactive and visual designer.

Sketch Style Animated Video Production
Sketcha create awesome sketch style animated videos. A sketch style animated video lets you strip back all the graphics and tell your story in a simple fun...

Portfolio of creative graphic designer and UI designer from Wrocław (Poland). It's minimal website written in html5 and css3, supported by Jquery custom...

Batch the App
Batch the App - Write your Facebook status updates offline. Ideal for abroad; city trips, skiing, traveling.

Vilnius Temperature
Vilnius Temperature is an acoustic/live music video blog which unites city sounds and represents up and coming artists in Lithuania, using Vilnius as a...

Blue Velvet – Android UI Kit
UI Kit for Android based phones.Handcrafted, highly detailed & fully customizable. Delivered in fully layered Photoshop PSD’s.