Design Tips for Your Online Boutique Website

Design Tips for Your Online Boutique Website

Design Tips for Your Online Boutique Website

Ready to open your very own online store? Read on to discover design tips for your online boutique's website. Then, watch the customers roll in!
A whopping 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content/layout is not visually appealing to them. In addition, 48% of people claimed that the website design was the first factor in deciding the integrity of the business. For these reasons, it's crucial to learn design tips for your online boutique website. Your website is the face of your business and your customer representative. Like a first date, it is your chance to make a good first impression. The problem is that you have a max of 10-20 seconds to make this impression, or that possible client now adds to your bounce rate. A poor website design will leave your customers frustrated, confused and lead them to abandon their cart. Your website must be simple to read, easy to navigate, tells a story and evokes emotion. We have compiled a list of the best design tips for your online boutique' website. Take a look and look forward to no more abandoned shopping carts!

Make It Easy to Navigate

Your menu an essential component of your website. A clear menu helps your customers to move from one product page to the next. Too many Options on your menu can get confusing and look very cluttered. Adding a fly-out or hover menu will clean up the clutter and keep the menu looking organized. Keep it simple by having less on the main menu, then add more links to the fly-out or hover.

Awesome About Us Page

This is your time to shine! Show your customers why they should be shopping on your site, pull on some heartstrings and be relatable! Tell a story as to why you created this brand. If a customer relates to what your mission is, they may purchase your product just on that fact alone!

Find Some Inspiration

A great way to find some design tips for your online boutique website is to look for some inspiration. Find your competitors and discover what they are doing best. Find your top ten favorite boutique websites and study everything about them. Look for all your competitors and see what is awesome about their site, as well as what they need to fix. Learn from their mistakes and become better. If you are an iron-on patch company, then find all of the websites in your niche and become better, thus selling more patches!

Make Your Branding Consistent

You want your customers to really feel why they are on your webpage. You want to evoke emotion and draw them in, relating to your brand's image. Be sure to add your branding elements on every page of your website. Is your logo clean and relevant? Do you have a favicon for the browser tab? All of these little elements make the world of a difference when differentiating your brand from the others. Discover a color scheme that you feel represents your brand's image. Add those colors to tabs, buttons, menus, and links. This ensures that your brand is consistent throughout the website.

Incorporate High-Quality Images

The only downside to shopping online is that your customers don't have the chance to personally see the items before purchasing them. They do not get a chance to feel, try, play or test your product. This leads to hesitation with some products online. Make this easier for them by adding some high-quality images on your site. This is one of the most important design tips for your online boutique website. Avoid any blurry photos, or anything pixelated. Create a gallery for each product, so that your customers get a chance to see it from all angles. If it is a dress for example; include a model wearing with every angle possible. This helps them experience the shape, texture, flow, and movement of the dress.

Have the Easiest Checkout Process...Ever

A typical nightmare for E-commerce owners; you set up your boutiques' site, create some ads, and expect sales to start rolling in. Then nothing but tumbleweeds… This may have something to do with your checkout process. One of the biggest culprits for cart abandonment is a confusing and over-complicated checkout. Analyze the customer information that you are asking for, if it is unnecessary, cut out the extra questions. The checkout tab is the most important tab on your entire website. It should be much different from the rest of your tabs, so make it a brighter color, and increase the size as well.

Build Trust with Product Reviews

Your visitors that interact with the reviews and get involved with consumer questions are 110% more likely to purchase during that time on your website. It's a great way to build your trustworthiness given the fact that your customers cannot meet you in person. Customer reviews rack in an average of 18% more in sales. Social proof is absolutely essential to increasing your conversion rates. It eliminates any hesitation that your potential clients have about your products. More customers are searching for the reviews of the products before getting much into the product itself. If you have reviews on your website, it gives you a better chance of sales with this type of search. Try creating some incentives to get more customer reviews. Offer a small discount or a bonus offer in the exchange of a review. Remember that it is ok to have some bad reviews, as it looks more realistic to your possible clients.

Want to Know More Design Tips for Your Online Boutique Website?

Not only does a great website design help your customer shop problem-free, it also helps you achieve a higher sale rate and less abandoned carts. If these points made you realize that you need more design tips for your online boutique website, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to send you in the right direction. Is your website super esthetically awesome, but you are having a hard time reaching your audience? Send us a submission request and we will put it up on our website for you! 
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